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In every sandwich, there is bread and butter. And in addition, everything you wish, cheese, cucumber, lettuce, and sometimes even cereal. Science theatre is just like a sandwich. A scoop of theatre and science mixed with everything your soul desires!

Science theatre is limitless!

- Mats Mikkor

KVARK performer

Science Theater

A Science theatre performance is not just a typical show that you are used to watching from an audience. It is like a visit from a wizard - nonreturnable, gripping, and goes beyond the limits of your imagination.

The show matches everybody everywhere: on the stage, on TV, in a forest, at the beach, on the Moon and Mars.

Our team of professional and amusing wizards will create audience-involving one-of-a-kind solutions that dwell from the uniquenesses and characteristics of your endeavors.

KVARK teadsteater show esinemin töötuba Tarvo Emilia

This 30-45-minute science theatre performance is conducted by our young masters who have undergone special performance and safety training. The slightly calmer but memorable show, with effective experiments, is suitable for those who want the roof to stay overhead.


Täiskasvanutele või suurele publikule suunatud ja huumoriga vürtsitatud klassikaline teadusteater, kus isegi tagasihoidlik eestlane võib leida end nurgas muigamas või isegi laval tuld taltsutamas. 

Teadusteatri loomisel arvestame ürituse sisu ja publikuga. Iga etendus on ainulaadne!


Kestus kuni 30 minutit. 

Sobib suurde ruumi ja lavale.


Suurele üritusele mõeldud teadusshow stiilis erilahendus. Etendus on võimalik tükeldada või siduda muu lavastusega vastavalt ürituse stiilile. Etenduse sisu on loodud lähtuvalt kliendi soovitud teemast ning võimalik on etenduses kasutada kliendi tooteid.

al 1400€+km
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