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KVARK workshops are like school lessons where the teacher has left the room for a moment. This is the time when you have a chance to let the creativity fly and use all the things that are left behind in a way that teacher would definitely not allow.

The workshops are for everyone!

- Kaarel Siimut

KVARK workshop engineer


Bridges made out of spaghetti, gravity cars, and toothbrush

robots - these are only a few examples from of our huge variety

of different workshops. The thrilling and competitive workshops

are suitable to replace traditional group games during any event.


In the workshops, the participants can develop their communication skills and learn to see not only the bigger picture but also the tiniest of details.


An exciting moment of competition gives a thrill both to the

grown-ups and the children, and it will quickly make you forget about your everyday routine. Positive emotions and fascinating

new knowledge are guaranteed.


If you want to enliven your own event with a workshop or if you think that you need an entirely new workshop, then contact us. Together we will definitely find you the most perfect, fun, and innovative workshop.

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